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Welcome to Team Azure's blog. This is where us 5 different authors talk about our various deck concepts, deck ideas, card opinions, strategy articles, tournament reports, and piles of randomness. We're situated in Singapore, Ang Mo Kio. Hope you enjoy your stay, and have a great day~


And so Lauren told me to start blogging on here too. So here I am, prepare for spam!

So anyway, to protect my sexy privacy, I shall be typing articles using the alias of Charmader! Char char! Charmander pwns you alive. Ember with 40 dmg + STAB! So anyway, I'm supposed to do a tourney report for last saturday. So this is coming a little late, and my memory has kinda faded, but I'll see what I can remember.

Deck used: Blackwing Oppression

Round 1 - Lauren 'Dimensional Eatos' OO

Game 1 - You can actually read what happened on his post. But yeah, just for the heck of it, I went first, searched for something insignificant with Whirlwind, set Icarus and Mystical. He set 3, pondered for a while before setting the fourth. So apparently I though the last trap was the most useless and destroyed the first three at end phase. Some weak sauce stuff along with 1 Starlight Road. He died shortly after.

Game 2 - Hmm, apparently my Shura has it's dick stuck in Black Whirlwind's pussy so yeah, they came together as usual. So after some Bottomless exchange here and there, I finally got to pull off the Whirlwind and got Kulat to rape him.

Round 2 - Banana 'GB in Pajamas' XOO

Game 1 - He went first, used priest into cat into Palkion. Tried to get Whirlwind's effect, but was hit by Bottomless. Then next turn he got himself a Equeste taking back the Samnite he used to make Palkion, set 1 card which I thought was War Chariot. So I Sirroco, used Whirlwind to get Gale, special summoned it along with Blast. Too scared of Chariot so I didn't half a thing. Then after killing the Equeste so I'd be safe from Chariot, I made Stardust. Though angry Brain Control killed me shortly after.

Game 2 - Don't really remember much. I think we were in some topdecking war, and I topdecked Bora to get hit by Bottomless. He poked, and next turn I topdecked Shura to kill Equeste which then resulted in game.

Game 3 - Only thing I remember was having a Kulat in hand versus his Equeste. Topdecked a Bora to whack over it for game again. Top decking is pro.

Round 3 - Faiz 'Hopeless Dragon' OO

Game 1 - He opened with a horrible hand I presume. He scooped in the second turn.

Game 2 - He opened with yet another horrible hand, and scooped soon after too. He didn't really seem to mind scooping lol.

Round 4 - Gary/Hong 'Blackwing Oppression' OO

Game 1 - I opened with double Whirlwind. Summoned Shura, got 2 Kulat, sexy position. He had 1 Whirlwind, summoned Bora, got hit by my bottomless, died shortly after when I got another two searches off Whirlwind with Bora next turn.

Game 2 - See http://onedreamliveit.blogspot.com/

After that was Top 8.

Round 5 - Banana 'GB in Pajamas' XX

Game 1 - He got too angry about my previous topdecks and kept throwing GBs in my face. I only remember he attacked with 2 GBs, brought me to 1200, used the first to tag, luring out my Oppression, which I used and brought my down to 600, rendering my Oppression useless, then used the second to make Bestiari and kill off my Whirlwind. Come to think of it, if I didn't oppress, he might have used Bestiari to kill Oppression and I could have gone Blizzard into Goyo next turn.

Game 2 - I don't remember a thing. I only know he got me down to a topdecking state and I scrubbed by topdecking Trap Dustshoot, which I sided in for reasons unknown to myself.

So there goes Top 8. Then I went off to play for 5th and 6th with Gary.

Round 6 - Gary/Hong 'Blackwing Oppression' OO

Game 1 - I remember we both started by setting cards a lot, I think cause we both had multiple Whirlwinds and Sirroco in hand. Then I drew a Shura, flipped Storm for a 3 for 3, then got Kulats off my Shura and two Whirlwinds, before Bottomlessing his monster next turn resulting in game.

Game 2 - He opened with Whirlwind and Bora into Vayu. Then he set 1. I then looked at my hand. Yay, got double Whirlwind in first hand with Shura yet again, and had the Mystical Space Typhoon I needed to clear Bottomless, and proceeded in for rape soon after.

Result? My deck is a good boy. <3

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