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Welcome to Team Azure's blog. This is where us 5 different authors talk about our various deck concepts, deck ideas, card opinions, strategy articles, tournament reports, and piles of randomness. We're situated in Singapore, Ang Mo Kio. Hope you enjoy your stay, and have a great day~

24 December 2009 Jurong Tourney

Hey yo people it's Charmander here doing a tourney report on today's tournament at Jurong's Thousand Taste Trading! So uh, I think I might have forgotten some details here and there but I'll try my best lol.

Deck used: Gladiator Beasts

Round 1 - Wei Xiang 'Twilight' OXO

Game 1 - Hmm I think I drew pretty well for the first game so I controlled with fair ease. Going first especially helped. Alot. Cause Waboku kept screwing him hard as he charged his smaller monsters into my bigger ones with the intention of using Honest.

Game 2 - He opens averagely with Charge and several other stuff, soon leading into a field of Lumina, Lyla, and Aurkus. I contemplated attacking with my Kycoo or Laquari, but was scared if Honest. Also, since I had Waboku and Chariot in hand, I would still survive should I not attack. After some thinking time, I got some balls to use Kycoo to attack his Lumina, and luckily he didn't have Honest. So uh, next turn he goes Lumina into Wulf, does a lot of hand spamming, and I lose shortly after. No he did not lucksack much, he won based off skill (:

Game 3 - I open kinda well. I remember he got close to getting out Judgment Dragon in the middle of the game and I luckily managed to get a sucessful Kycoo attack in, and win shortly after. Come to think of it, it was lucky he didn't have any Necro Gardna at all, given that he milled quite a bit of his deck off.

Round 2 - Jun Yong 'Poo Poo GB' XOX
Game 1 - He damn imba lah. He cut my deck till I drew Laquari, Darius, Murmilo, Hoplomus, Proving Ground, and a lone support trap which I think was either Waboku or Book of Moon. I found myself unable to keep up with his 3 backrow and laquari opening and died shortly.

Game 2 - Don't remember anything much, except that we were both in topdecking states, I had 50 and he had 1500. My Retiari got in an attack and dropped him to 300, then he did very very horrible thing to my GB and I solemned, bringing myself to 25 and he scooped.

Game 3 - His side was way too strong. He sets 3 and summons Laquari before passing. I set 4, among of which were War Chariot, Proving Ground, Book of Moon, and Solemn. He used Dust Tornado on Solemn at end phase, used his freshly drawn Mystical Space Typhoon on my Book of Moon, and I was left with 2 fake cards to contend. Obviously I died. Lol.

Round 3 - Gary/Hong 'Vayu Blackwing' OXO

Game 1 - I think I opened with an excellent hand, and controlled him for a few turns and finally managed to go for game soon after I got Heraklinos out.

Game 2 - I only remember he allured into Sirroco and Bora, and killed my poor Retiari with Sirroco and 2 Bora. ):

Game 3 - I only remember overextending by setting Bottomless, Compulsory, and War Chariot to support my Equeste even though he hadn't used Storm yet. It helped. I bottomlessed a Shura, compulsed a Armed Wing, and set my 2nd Compulsory next turn to bounce off his Armoured Wing. Won shortly after.

Round 4 - Junqi 'Synchro Cat' OO

Game 1 - I open, having a relatively good matchup due to Chariot. Controlled for several turns, and Solemned his Call of Haunted I think so that I could attack for game.

Game 2 - The game was kinda slow paced, though I eventually got out a Heraklinos + Chariot + Oppression setup. Got my Herk killed due to a major misplay lol. Like wasting Chariot on something insignificant before getting halfed by Gale and being killed by Airbellum on the following turn. Luckily dearest Herk got me enough advantage by the time he died to ensure me game.

Round 5 - Lauren 'Dimensional Eatos' XOO

Game 1 - He had so many monsters and Waboku without monsters = useless. Got killed by an endless stream of monsters very quickly.

Game 2 - Andal hit him twice before he decided to Vortex it, and even Bribed my Compulsory Evacuation Device when I tried to save Andal with it ): Though Laquari got revenge for Andal and I won shortly after.

Game 3 - Lol I think we were both in topdecking scenarios, while he had Burden of the Mighty. I top deck a Laquari and kill him. After we both pick up our decks he realises he had 1800 on his calculator while I had him at 1200 on mine. We didn't bother resolving the miscalclations cause we both kept our decks already. This eventually led to him getting a Red Dragon Archfiend while I got Lightsworn Angel, Celestia.

Round 6 - Samuel 'Zombie Synchro' OO

Game 1 - I take a few hits from Goblin Zombie and Pyramid Turtle, dropping me to about 4000 life points. Then I topdeck a Raiou and killed his Goblin Zombie, and used Fissure on his Turtle. He blocked my advances for several turns with his Necro Guardna(s) and I summon Kycoo next turn for rape.

Game 2 - He opens with a simple set card, which I thought he sided in Ryko. So I summoned Darius, set Chariot, and ended. He then tributed it for Caius, and allowed me to Chariot it. Then I control for a few turns before I Torrential a Caius later on to save my Kycoo from the 1000 damage. Then I attempt to control for a few turns but his Burials and Necro Guardna(s) seemed never ending. I finally rid his resources to a Foolish Burial into Mezuki and a last card in hand. He removed Mezuki for Plaguespreader and I Chariot it, believing his last in hand card to be a Synchro Material or Caius. He then scoops.

Round 7 Jun Yong 'Poo Poo GB'

Since we were both rushing for time, we just rolled the dice to see who took what. I rolled a 4 and got Celestia from the prize pool. He rolled a 1 and got Sirroco. So yup, I think that was it today. Some parts may be inaccurate due to horrible memory but whatever. Lol.

All in all, Merry Christmas folks and remember that the world is flat.

And uh, I think I need a new deck.

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